(English) Bali Events Calendar 2020 : March

Sorry, this entry is only available in English.For anyone planning on visiting Bali, consider coming around this particular time of year for an insight into the beautiful local culture. Melasti 21-23 March 2020 Melasti is one of Hindu religious ceremony which will be done 2 to 4 days before Nyepi. This is a part of self-purification conducted by Balinese Hindus before Bali New Year. The ritual also purifies the sacred objects or all religious tools (Pratima). From 21-23 March you will see Balinese women will carry offering that made from cake, fruits, and flower while the men will carry sacred object or Pratima accompanied by a particular umbrella which is called as…

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(English) Bali Events Calendar : February 2020

Sorry, this entry is only available in English. Following on from our blog post series, in this month we will provide information and important events happening in and around Bali during the month of February 2020. Galungan – 19 February 2020   A good indication that its Galungan time of year is the long bamboo that can be seen lining the streets. These are usually decorated with fruit, coconut leaves, and flowers, and a small altar containing woven palm-leaf offerings for the spirits is also placed at the entrance of each home especially for the holiday. Galungan is one of the most important religious ceremonies in Bali, held every 210…

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(English) How You Can Enjoy the Festive Chinese New Year Day in Bali

Sorry, this entry is only available in English.Chinese New Year in Bali takes place on 25th January 2020. This special holiday is celebrated mostly by the Balinese of Chinese descent as well as by most Chinese Indonesians across the nation. Although predominantly a Hindu Island, Balinese also welcomes the Chinese New Year joyfully. Even we don’t celebrate Chinese New Year, but we are very excited to watch the Chinese New Year Celebration in Bali. These 3 recommendations to enjoy the Lunar New Year in Bali. Experience the Celebration at some Klenteng in Bali Various temples called “klenteng“, are frequented by Chinese Balinese on this day. Honestly, I can’t recommend specific…

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Havaianas Meluncurkan Koleksi Exclusive Local Soul; Bali by Monez di Tropicola

Bali, 18 December 2019 -. Kita semua pasti mempunyai tujuan favorit untuk musim panas, mungkin bisa kota besar, desa kecil di tepi laut atau surga peselancar, yang selalu menjadi tempat yang memberikan pengalaman untuk diingat seumur hidup. Tempat-tempat yang akan selalu memiliki ruang khusus di hati kita dimana hanya dengan memikirkan hal tersebut, akan jelas teringat memori musim panas yang menyenangkan dan seru. Dalam koleksi Local Soul, Havaianas merayakan tempat-tempat di mana kata SUMMER dieja dalam huruf kapital. Tempat dengan gaya hidup unik yang membuat semua orang bersemangat untuk merayakan musim panas. Bali merupakan salah satu destinasi musim panas yang terkenal bagi ribuan wisatawan. Dengan keunikannya dalam memadukan unsur tradisional dan…

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(English) It’s Time For Bali Kite Festival!

Sorry, this entry is only available in English.Have you heard about Bali Kites Festival? [Bali Kites Festival. Image via bali-indonesia.com] One of the most awaited festivals by youth groups in Bali. This event takes place around July-August when the wind starts blowing in Bali. Dozens of kites laying groups competed and were invited from all over the island of Bali to join the festival. Not only local teams from Bali but also the international teams join the festival. Its held not only for kites competition but also for send message to the Hindu Gods to give the blessings of an abundant harvest The festival is held in several locations on…

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