(English) 3 Reasons Why You Should Come to Bali Art Festival

Sorry, this entry is only available in English.The 41st edition of the annual Bali Arts Festival will take place from June 15 to July 13 at The Bali Art Centre in Denpasar, the capital city of Bali province. Image via The Lokha Ubud Bali Arts Festival brings “Bayu Pramana, Memuliakan Sumber Daya Angin” as the main theme. “Bayu pramana” which means: breathe of life. The concept of Bayu pramana comes from two words namely “Bayu” and “Pramana”. Bayu means wind while pramana means strength. Bayu pramana means the Power of Breath of Life, the most vital energy that lives and controls everything. The meaning is transformed into a theme and…

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(English) Where to Dine Out for Easter Brunch in Bali 2019

Sorry, this entry is only available in English.Have you ever considered to celebrate Easter Sunday in Bali? With this year the Easter holiday is coming, many of us have geared up to celebrate a holiday in Bali. There is no more perfect idea to celebrate Easter than having brunch with your loved one – or some friends. Here are our pick : Easter Sunday Brunch at Tugu Hotel This Easter Break, Tugu Hotels inviting you to join Tugu Special Easter Brunch special for you and little ones around Tugu lush tropical garden. Tugu’s special brunch gets an Easter touch with traditional Easter delicacies and special desserts while the kids enjoy…

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(English) Bali Events Calendar 2019

Photo by Horvath Mark on Unsplash One of the best things about going on holiday in Bali is, you can find interesting events and ceremonies wherever you go. For the tourist, this is one of the highlights of their trip. The highlight that offers a unique insight into the local culture. Religious ceremonies are based on the Balinese calendar which rotates every 210 days. Much time is spent to preparing offerings for all the various ceremonies that take place throughout the year. On this page, you can find various events and ceremonies that will taking place each month in Bali. Hopefully, on or more events will be happening during your…

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Kura-Kura Bus & Nyepi 2015

Tahun ini, hari raya Nyepi di Bali jatuh pada hari Sabtu 21 Maret, Nyepi merupakan hari raya libur nasional dan di Bali seluruh warga tidak melakukan aktifitas apapun selama 24 jam. Dari jam 6 pagi sampai jam 6 pagi keesokan harinya, tidak ada yang di perbolehkan melakukan aktivitas di luar rumah, tidak ada kendaraan yang melintas di jalan dan bahkan bandara juga ditutup. Sehari sebelum Nyepi, jalan utama di desa ditutup dan diadakannya parade. Patung besar yang terbuat dari bambu dan kertas yang terkenal disebut dengan Ogoh-ogoh yang diarak keliling desa dan kemudian di bakar. For this reason, Kura-Kura Bus will not be operating on 20 & 21 March 2015. All…

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Kura-Kura Bus & Upaca Ngaben di Ubud

Pada tanggal 9 Desember 2014, sebuah upacara penting yaitu upadacara Ngaben akan berlangsung di jalan utama Ubud. Untuk alasan ini, jadwal keberangkatan dari dan ke Ubud akan di DIBATALKAN karena ada penutupan jalan untuk memudahkan prosesi upacara tersebut : Dari DFS ke Ubud: 10.00 – DIBATALKAN Keberangkatan pertama dari Ubud: 12.000 Dari Puri Lukisan ke DFS: 12.30 – DIBATALKAN Keberangkatan pertama dari Ubud: 14.30 Rencanakan perjalanan anda paling tidak sehari lebih awal jika anda ingin datang melihat acara kebudayaan yang akan diadakan. Silahkan lihat jadwal bus terbaru kami disini. Upacara kremasi akan berlangsung pada hari selasa, 9 Desember 2014 dari jam 11 siang. Acara prosesi akan dimulai dari Puri Ubud dan…

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